Migraines Nagging You?

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Migraines Interfere with Life

If you or someone you love are suffering from migraines then you know how much your life is hijacked when in the throws of a migraine. A 2016 study published on Migraine.com shows just how much migraines affect life and the quality of life. See the infographic below. Above you will notice that there is a list of triggers including barometric pressure, perfume, stress and lack of sleep and so on. Do you know that chiropractic is one of the most effective migraine treatments available? Chiropractic care for migraines was studied and documented.

Migraine Study

According to an Australian study of 127 migraine sufferers those that got chiropractic treatments needed to take less medication and had fewer attaches. This 1999 study documented that 80 percent of the people in the study blamed stress as the leading factor to their migraine attacks. This is why researchers concluded chiropractic care may be so effective because chiropractic adjustments physically help reduce the body’s reaction to stress.

How Chiropractic Can Relieve Migraines

Of course we know why. Pressure on nerves caused by being out of alignment anywhere in the body causes stress even when you don’t feel pain at the place of the subluxation, your body still suffers from the stress caused by the misalignment. The stress can cause you to have trouble sleeping, magnify stress you are already feeling, and open the way for other things to more easily trigger a migraine. Chiropractic adjustments can protect you from the worst symptoms of stress and migraines since your body is being freed from localized nerve impingements. This removal of stress of these localized points during an adjustment allows your body to slip into the “relaxation response”. You may sense this as feeling sleepy after your adjustments or actually feeling relief and relaxation. Whether or not you notice the relaxation of your body after your adjustment, your body is benefiting from it. If you are suffering from migraines, call the office and schedule and appointment to let Dr. Stakes know what is going on so he can help you feel relief quickly.